Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Agree and Disagree in English - English Lesson via Skype

How to Agree and Disagree in English - English Lesson via Skype There are several ways you can agree and disagree in English.In every language we need to know how to express your opinion. Not being able to say what you mean is no fun.  Scroll down and watch a video lesson on Ways of Giving Your Opinion in English. How to Agree and Disagree in English Don't keep this to yourself. Tell the world! How to Agree In English If you agree with someone else you could say:Yes, I think so too.I agree with you.That’s a great idea.Fair enough!CorrectThats trueExactlyI feel/think the sameYou are absolutely right 22 Ways of agreeing with someone in English Don't keep this to yourself. Tell the world! How to Disagree in English However if you disagree, or have a different point of view, then you might say:No, I don’t agree with that.That’s not right.I see things differently.Im afraid, I cant agree with youThats a good point butI dont think soI doubt it Different ways to express an opinion in English If you want to express your opinion in English, you can start with:I thinkI supposeFrom my point of viewIt seems to me thatPersonally, I think thatIn my opinionI believe How to Give Your Opinion in English - Video Lesson In this video lesson you learn more phrases on how to express your opinion in English: Finding Things in Common in English I am a bit nervous.So am I.Oh, I am not.I cant speak French.Neither can I.Oh, I can.I have a cat.So have I.Oh, I havent. I have a dog.I dont go out much.Neither do I.Oh, I do.I had a great time.So did I.Oh, I didnt.I am vegetarian.So am I.Oh, I am not.I love travelling.So do I.Oh, I dont. Different Ways to Agree and Disagree in English - Infographic How to Agree and Disagree in English - Examples 1. Four friends are discussing who should do the housework.MARTINA:  I think men and women should share jobs around the house, such as cleaning.SARAH:  Yes, so do I.DAVE:  I agree with that.CLARE:  That’s a great idea.2.  Sam and his friends are talking about the cost of fuel.SAM:  I’d like to see the government raise taxes on petrol.JEFF:  No, that’s not a good idea.PETE:  I don’t agree with that at all.3.  Tina has been watching a TV programme about benefit cheats*.TINA:  I think people on benefits should be made to work for free.GRACE:  So do I. That’s a really good idea.PAT:  I think so too.ROBIN:  No, I don’t agree with that idea at all.*benefit fraud4.  Tom wants your vote in the next election. Here are some ideas from his speech. I believe speed limits on motorways should be increased to 80 miles an hour. I believe rubbish bins should be emptied every week, not every 2 weeks. In my opinion schools should provide all children with a healthy lunch every day.Its your turn now! Check if you can agree and disagree in English now. Have a go at agreeing or disagreeing with Tom on each of these topics?

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